Currently in The Underground, our heroes are traveling through the ant colony of Coryn.  On their way to the heart of the colony, they are seeking council with the wise and just Queen Azulon.  In order to do so however, they must journey to the very deepest sub-level of Coryn.  Once there, they have to pass through a series of defensive constructs, until finally they reach the doors to the Queen’s royal chamber.  This of course is not the end of Coryn’s defenses, for the Queen’s chamber is protected by the highly skilled Royal Guard.

“I wanted to design something special for the Royal Guard.  Ofcourse the soldiers have to look special…unique.  They are after all trusted with protecting the most valuable member of the colony.  I took some initial inspiration from Star Wars, and the Emperor’s Royal Guard.  Faceless helmets conceal their identity, and strike fear into their enemies.  This led me to the decision to give a throwback to the original ant designs from when we produced The Underground years ago.  Back then, the ants had no mouths.  In regards to story telling, it really made no sense so the design was eventually altered.  But here we are, more than fifteen years later, and the concept has resurfaced with a faceless helmet.  Perfect for striking fear into the heart of any would be attackers!”

-Paul Reaume

As we continue to add depth to the world of The Underground, we’ve found that ant queens really do have retinues of dedicated soldiers in place for their protection.  Being such a vital part of the entire colony, the Queen must remain vigil against opposing colonies, or even rivalling queens.  Do we smell another Insect-o-fact on the way? Stay tuned…