Species:Man-beast – Homo Sapiens (I think)
Height: 1680mm
First Appearance: Issue 2
Hey everybody thanks for visiting my bio page. The hardest thing to write they say is about oneself. Here is my best shot.
I was born December 12, 1974 and have lived most of my life in Windsor, Ontario. From an early age I took an interest in all things geek. At age 4 my brother took me to see my first movie at the drive-in theater which was the second run of Star Wars in 1979. What started there was a lifelong obsession with Star Wars. My inner geek grew from there with the abundance of fantastic geekiness that was the 80s. Transformers, Robotech, G.I. Joe, X-Men and Star Wars Comics and TV shows helped to mold me into the geek that I am today throughout the 80s and 90s as well as my love of pen and paper RPGs such as Robotech, TMNT, and Rifts.
After high school, I went to school for computer science and have been working in the field as a support technician for MNSi in Windsor for 10+ years now. Now most of my time is split between my wonderful wife Candi, my three kids; Bryce, Lexi and Aayla, work and my insatiable need to write. I still collect comic books, mostly Dark Horse Star Wars titles (John Ostrander and Jan Duursema are my heroes, I even named my daughter Aayla) and of course the Underground which I now have a vested interest in (I’ve always loved the Underground Paul). Last year I submitted a comic script for a series entitled Five to Dark Horse but have heard nothing.
I would like to eventually write a novel but would be content with writing comic stories for the rest of my life. Being the webmaster for Twisted Studio is fantastic but seeing Paul’s awesome art and stories, and mine and Chris’ words being published by a big name comic house would be a dream come true.
In closing I would also like to make clear that a have a non-geek obsession with hockey and the Chicago Blackhawks in particular, being a fan for 20+ years. 2010 STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS!!!!!!! GO ‘HAWKS!
As an addendum, I failed to mention my other obsession will all things Roman too!!
I’m thinking I should start work on this today?
Yes Mr. Rocha us readers would like to know a little bit more about you please do tell us something about you like what do you like who are your fav authors and etc….. please work on it soon
I should be wearing Roman armour with a Blackhawks logo and wielding a lightsaber!
Let your geek flag fly, Dave.
Great job on Dave!!!!! It looks really cool
Why thank you.
Awesome man! Thanks.