The Underground #0: Unearthed

The Underground #0: Unearthed $3
“Unearthed” takes place immediately after “Harvest”…that’s right, issue #0 takes place after issue #1. The Ladybug Cyrus has woken up to find his homeland desolated by the Hive, and he has been left alive as some sort of testament. When he has a strange vision he finds a new reason to survive, but is this unexpecting hero ready for the challenges that lie ahead?
The Underground #0: Unearthed features 28 pages of black & white interiors with full colour covers. Printed as a part of the Small Press Idol 2009 in a 6.5×10.25 format, the book is composed of 12 pages of story, and 16 pages of bonus material. The bonus material includes highlights from the Idol competition, character bios, and additional Underground background. Unearthed is available for sale at the following locations:
Or you can contact us for information on having a copy mailed to you.