Twisted Studio: Your world…twisted.

Project Update: Colonies

Posted on 27th January 2014 in Twisted Peeks

The Underground Colonies: A tile based strategy game

A short time ago we here at Twisted Studio discovered the awesome online services available at The Game Crafter!  TGC is the world’s first web-to-print game publishing company.  They’ve managed to create a platform which allows designers the tools they need to produce a wide variety of games, and gaming materials.  One visit to their site and we were sold; this is the service we’ve been looking for!

We’ve developed rules for a number of different games, only some of which are based on our comic book titles.  Considering we can’t possibly produce all of them at the same time, we’ve had to choose the most suitable concept to run with.  The decision was more difficult than we could have thought.  We wrestled with the idea of launching with a collectable card game, or perhaps a simple board game.  No.  The answer was found somewhere between.

The Underground Colonies is a customizable tile based strategy game.  Players will choose an insect species, and start to build a colony.  Gameplay will bring them on searches for valuable resources, and also conflict with rivaling colonies.  Elements of the game will vary depending on whether or not players are above ground, or underground.  The game rules have been structured in such a way to allow for continuous expansions, and customizations.  Over time players can collect different game tiles, additional brood types for their colony, or new colonies as a whole.

Colonies has been and continues to be a really enjoyable project to work on, and we’re approaching the point of game-testing.  As the final points of the rules are ironed out, we will be holding an email-based trial run of the game.  When the time comes we’ll put the call out to our faithful twisted followers, and recruit four willing contestants to put the rules to the test.  In the meantime, check out these game tile prototypes.  They’ve been carefully designed to allow for endless combinations, and therefore endless selections of game boards.  Are you ready to experience Colonies?


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What Are You Reading #1

Posted on 23rd January 2014 in What Are You Reading?

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the projects we’re working on that we forget to sit down and enjoy the books that inspired us in the first place.  It’s like a recharge of sorts, sitting down and catching up with some of your favourite heroes and villains.  This series of articles is intended to get us talking about those projects that inspire us, and keep us flipping pages.

Paul’s Pick

Lately I’ve been catching up on the Batman series. Truth be told, I’ve been really impressed with DC’s new 52.  The massive relaunch encouraged me to revisit some old favourites, and even pick up some titles I’ve never read before.  The Red Lantern Corps., All Star Western, both were captivating in their own way.  Still, the creative team of Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder has continuously left me in absolute awe.  I’ve always been a Batman fan, but the direction these two have taken the character into has given me a deeper appreciation for the man in the cowl.

I’m actually reading the Batman series from two different points in the series.  I’m picking up the currently releases (just picked up #27), and I’m also going back and picking up issues here and there to fill in any gaps I have in the series (just read #16).  I cannot praise the team enough on how this series is going, and how they’ve managed to bring one of the most popular characters in the industry to another level of appreciation.  When the team embarked on the “Zero Year” portion of the series, they gave us a look into Bruce’s younger more rash side.  While I”m reading both ends of the series I get to see the true contrast in these perspectives, and it’s brilliantly executed!

The Batman universe is a very extensive one ofcourse.  He’s approaching his 75th anniversary, I”m sure he’s racked up an impressive list of friends and enemies in that spread of time.  Snyder keeps finding ways of mixing many key elements from the universe we’re familiar with, and it serves well to keep the series grounded.  Capullo has pushed the envelope when it comes to his character designs, which I’m sure can be a tedious task when considering 75 years of fans and followers.  The series and everyone in it has been redefined in a way that honours the past while paving the way for  a very exciting future.

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Twisted Features #11

Posted on 21st January 2014 in Twisted Features

Welcome back to the party!

As mentioned in our previous Twisted Feature, we’ve devised a schedule for releasing updates and content here and on our other project sites.  If you haven’t seen the new posting schedule yet, click here to see.   We’re a couple of weeks in to the new regime, and so far the Twisted machine has been churning out some pretty cool stuff.  The Tecumseh project in particular has seen some really great updates and additions to their site.

Here are a few of the new items for the Tecumseh project:

The Support Page - Fund raising has begun for the first issue of the Tecumseh mini-series.  The information for the Kickstarter-style effort is posted here.

The Wall of Honour (Tokens Page) – A dedicated page honouring those who have shown their support for the project so far.  A token is added with each new supporter.

The Red Haired Man (Short Story) – A new short story by resident writer Dave Rocha.

Chasing The Legend Series – The creative team offers their insight into the artistic and literary inspirations they’ve found in their research for the Tecumseh project.  They’ve also updated their Facebook page with a photo album dedicated to the series.

Ofcourse what’s an update with out some new artwork?  Artist Paul Reaume leaked this snapshot from his work on the first issue of Tecumseh!


Be sure to check in with our affiliates as well!

Horror 101

Check out Cash and the gang’s current podcast; Episode #29 Amityville II: The Possession.  The lines of fact and fiction are blurred as they spotlight this frightening 80′s horror flick, based on real events.


Prime Lighting Design

Our friends at Prime Lighting Design are having a fantastic January Sale Event.  Visit them instore for deep discounts in their floor model sale event! Click their logo to read more about

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A Blast from the Past!

Posted on 16th January 2014 in Uncategorized

The Underground team just updated the Back Issues section of their website, with a dedicated section for the original run of the series.  This is really interesting because what you’ll notice right away when you visit the page is a scan of the original logo from The Underground series.  For those who may not know, Paul Reaume first came up with the idea for The Underground when he was sixteen years old, he printed the first issue of the series when he was seventeen.  Needless to say there has been quite a change in the caliber of  artwork from then to now.

This look into the past of The Underground really got us thinking about the past of Twisted Studio.  The Underground was neither the first nor the last project to be branded with the twisted ‘T’.  In light of that we thought we’d take a look at a couple of the other projects which were pitched to big publishers.

The Dark & The Fallen

The Dark & The Fallen was one of the random story ideas put together for a pitch with Image Comics.  Not surprisingly, we were not picked up by the company, and no publishing deal was made.  In any case, we’ve held on to the artwork from the pitch, there are actually three pages of story drawn up.  Perhaps we’ll post those later for a laugh.  The story focused on Davor Dharkken, a warrior with a shady past.  The Dark One, he is known as by villagers from far and wide.  In a strange stroke of fate or happenstance Davor is forced into the protection of a fallen angel.  From there our adventures would unfold.






The Outlaws 3

The Outlaws 3 would have been thought up around the same time The Underground was actually.  They were both inspired by the same family vacation spot, Smoke Rise Ranch.  As the name suggests this western story followed three outlaws, though they were not all criminals to start.  The trio is made up of an innocent bartender, a hardened bounty hunter, and a card hustler (who is really the only true outlaw in the bunch).  A nasty vendetta with a crooked politician brings these three unlikely companions together in this tale.  Once again the story was NOT picked up by any major publisher, but again we held on to the artwork for later reflection and laughter.





Well there you have it ladies and gents, the past of Twisted Studio.  We’ve dusted off enough artwork for the day, time to put our eyes back to our present and future plans.  We hope you’ve enjoyed this blast from the past, I’m sure there’s plenty more where that came from.

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2014 Project Updates

Posted on 13th January 2014 in Uncategorized

2013 was a fun year for us here at Twisted Studio, and we are so very excited for what 2014 surely has in store.  We’ve been splitting our time up between our two main projects; The Underground and Tecumseh.  It’s been a lot of work with no immediate gratification, but this is the year that it all starts coming together. This year we aim to release two new printed books, one for each of our projects.  Talks have already started with a printer here in Ontario, and we’ve begun our fundraising efforts to help us achieve our new goals.

The Underground #2: Bad Seeds should see production this year.  This is the third installment in The Underground series, taking place directly after Issue #0: Unearthed.  So far in the story we’ve seen the unexpecting hero Cyrus lose his home, come face to face with an enormous Mole Cricket, and finally join up with the Zealots Elite.  While the Zealots may have mixed feelings about the clumsy Ladybug, they’ve agreed to bring him back to see their Queen; the benevolent Azulon. Bad Seeds brings us into the ant city of Coryn, and also gives us a closer glimpse of the wicked Hive Shock Troops; the villains responsible for the decimation of Cyrus’ home.

Tecumseh: A Heroic Tale of War and Shattered Dreams should see it’s first installment hit production this year.  This first part of the mini-series “Tecumseh and the prophet” will introduce us to our hero Tecumseh, but also his brother Lalawethika.  Windsor area residents should take particular interest as elements from Tecumseh’s life, and the War of 1812 are all around us.  The books in the Tecumseh series step away from the standard comic book format, and feel more like historical reference books.  Each portion of the story has been tirelessy researched, and each page is packed with hints of days gone by.

That of course is just the tip of the iceberg, Twisted Fans!  We’ve got plenty of goodies planned, and we’re looking forward to another awesome year.  Be sure to like us on Facebook, and share us with your friends it’s going to be an exciting ride.

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Twisted Features #10

Posted on 9th January 2014 in Twisted Features

Happy New Year Twisted Fans!

As the new year rolls in it becomes a time of reflection, and of planning.  We look at the year behind us, the good and the bad.  We look at how it has changed us, hopefully for the better.  Then we look ahead.  We look to things that we can improve upon in the coming year, and things we’d like to do without.

We had a pretty good year here at Twisted Studio, and we’re truly thankful for all of the support that we’ve received from our friends, family, and fans.  We attended three events this year; Free Comic Book Day at Hugin & Munin, Kids Read Comics in Ann Arbor, and the Christmas Comic Con at the St.Clair Centre for the Arts.  We had a great time at all of these events, we learned alot, and we met some great people like Liz Marie at FanGasm who did an interview with us at Free Comic Book Day.

Looking ahead, we’re planning on attending the same events this year and gaining more exposure for our titles.  If our fundraising efforts go as planned we will also see the publication of two books this year; the next installment of The Underground, as well as the first issue of Tecumseh: A Heroic Tale of War and Shattered Dreams.  We’ve also looked at our online presences to determine how to use them best with regards to furthering our exposure and recognition.

We’ve devised a release schedule for posts, and updates about each of our projects that will keep everyone informed and entertained as we work towards the publication of our two new books.

Mondays and Thursdays we will be posting new content here on the Twisted Studio homepage.

Tuesdays and Fridays we will be posting new content on the Tecumseh page.

Wednesdays and Saturdays we will be posting new content on The Underground page.

If you haven’t already, make sure you follow us on each of our respective Facebook pages so you can keep up to date, and we’ll surely be posting extra bonus material there!  Give us a like, and spread the word.


Be sure to check in with our affiliates as well!

Horror 101

Check out Cash and the gang’s current podcast; Episode #29 Amityville II: The Possession.  The lines of fact and fiction are blurred as they spotlight this frightening 80′s horror flick, based on real events.


Prime Lighting Design

Our friends at Prime Lighting Design are having a fantastic January Sale Event.  Visit them instore for deep discounts in their floor model sale event! Click their logo to read more about it.

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A Very Special Twisted Birthday!

Posted on 16th December 2013 in Uncategorized

Today is a very special day in the Twisted Studio family, our youngest member is celebrating his ninth birthday!  That’s right, time sure flies.  My son Ayden Reaume is growing into a strong, compassionate, and well mannered individual.  He cares so deeply for those around him, and understands things on a level that I don’t think many adults do.  What’s more, he’s a strong advocate for Twisted Studio, and any other project his old man is a part of.

There are so many days that I come home from work, and Ayden is quick to greet me with his latest promotional piece for Twisted Studio’s use.  “Do you like bugs?  Then you have to read The Underground!”  “Be on the lookout for Tecumseh!”  His faith in me is inspiring, and it constantly pushes me to try harder, and persevere.  Some would say that he’s my biggest fan, but truth be told, I’m his biggest fan.

Happy Birthday Chief.  I love you with all that I am, and I’m so very proud of you.

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Thoughts on Tecumseh

Posted on 4th November 2013 in Uncategorized

Fundraising efforts have kicked off for our newest comic project, Tecumseh.  Dave and I have worked out a system of rewards for those fans willing and able to donate to the cause.  It’s pretty exciting, and includes some fun and exclusive swag.  Beyond this though, as artist on the series, I wanted to talk about why I’m so excited for this project.

Tecumseh is a project unlike any other I’ve ever worked on.  It is a historical retelling of the War of 1812, and the death of Chief Tecumseh.  Most importantly, the story has strong roots right here in Windsor and surrounding areas.  Dave has worked tirelessly to amass a staggering collection of reference and source material for the project, and it shows in the finished script.

I knew the challenge presented by taking on a historical story such as this.  I recognized that a typical comic format would not do justice to the legend of Chief Tecumseh and the hours of time in research Dave had already devoted.  So this idea of a sort of ‘art book’ began to evolve.  The book would become a veritable collection of artifacts, trinkets, and images from 1812.  The ‘panels’ of the story would resemble torn, scorched, and aged pages, and the artwork would be appropriately distressed to match.  The gutters have been designed to depict an old wooden table upon which the torn paper panels have been set.  Coins, arrowheads, and even drops of blood are scattered atop the panels adding to the concept of an archivists worktable.

The timing is perfect for this project as well, when considering all of the commemorative 1812 events in our immediate area alone.  These have provided us with countless research resources, and opportunities to raise project awareness.  We’ve reached out to Fort Malden, Walpole Island and local reenactors; the response has been quite positive.  For these reasons and many more, Tecumseh is a project like no other.  I sincerely hope that you can show your support in some way, and join us on a journey back through history.

-Paul Reaume 

For more information on Tecumseh, and how you can support this project follow the link below;

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Twisted Features # 9

Posted on 3rd September 2013 in Twisted Features

Twisted Features #9

Tempest and Harmony short story to get a series of sequels

Needing to get back to bugs, I started brainstorming what I as the writer could do to further the underground whilst waiting for the art to catch up to my writing on Bad Seeds.

The idea hit me like a lightning bolt. I should continue the backstory I started for Raymus in Tempest and Harmony. To make it more exciting to read and of course to write I decided to meld this story with the unwritten backstory of another popular character – LOR.

The Orphan which will be posted as soon as it’s done will take place immediately after “Tempest” and will cover his continuing quest to find the peaceful ant city of Coryn. On his journey he will come across an Orphan which he will believe is destined for something special. The Orphan will tell the tale of how Lor figures into The Underground as a whole. It’ll be her origin story while still telling Raymus’ origins.

When I told Paul of my plans, he came up with the concept art below. It invokes a recent theme in Marvel’s X-Men titles of Cable and his rescue of the mutant messiah. I loved it so much that I insisted that he finish this art and it’ll be the cover of “The Orphan”

The Orphan

Posted by

Dave Rocha

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Open Forum Night!

Posted on 23rd August 2013 in Uncategorized

What is it?

We are proud to announce Twisted Studio’s first Open Forum Night!  We’re very excited about this event as it will be a great opportunity to discuss our projects, and priorities with our followers.  While we plan to have several of these nights, this first one will be focusing on The Underground, and what it’s next steps are.

When is it taking place?

Thursday, August 29th 2013 @ 9:00pm.

Put the kids to bed, and cue up the coffee machine!  We’re ready to shoot ideas around, field questions, and clear up any confusion there may be in the air.

Why is this happening?

We’ve always believed in the value of open communication.  This goes for families, relationships, and businesses.  We want to keep you informed as to what our plans are, and give you the opportunity to offer your thoughts, or ask questions.

The Underground has just come off of their ‘less than successful’ RocketHub campaign, so this is as good a reason as any to dedicate a night to discussing where we go from here.

We’ve also just finished restructuring the forum to better reflect and facilitate what our future plans are.  Now’s the perfect time to pop in, say hello and get involved with our little community.

Who’s invited?

Everyone!  It’s an open forum because we’d like everyone to come out and participate.  If you’ve got the time, we’d love to hear from you.  So spread the word, come on out, share some wisdom!

Twisted Studio’s first ever Open Forum Night is on the horizon.

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