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What Are You Reading #1

Posted on 23rd January 2014 in What Are You Reading?

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the projects we’re working on that we forget to sit down and enjoy the books that inspired us in the first place.  It’s like a recharge of sorts, sitting down and catching up with some of your favourite heroes and villains.  This series of articles is intended to get us talking about those projects that inspire us, and keep us flipping pages.

Paul’s Pick

Lately I’ve been catching up on the Batman series. Truth be told, I’ve been really impressed with DC’s new 52.  The massive relaunch encouraged me to revisit some old favourites, and even pick up some titles I’ve never read before.  The Red Lantern Corps., All Star Western, both were captivating in their own way.  Still, the creative team of Greg Capullo and Scott Snyder has continuously left me in absolute awe.  I’ve always been a Batman fan, but the direction these two have taken the character into has given me a deeper appreciation for the man in the cowl.

I’m actually reading the Batman series from two different points in the series.  I’m picking up the currently releases (just picked up #27), and I’m also going back and picking up issues here and there to fill in any gaps I have in the series (just read #16).  I cannot praise the team enough on how this series is going, and how they’ve managed to bring one of the most popular characters in the industry to another level of appreciation.  When the team embarked on the “Zero Year” portion of the series, they gave us a look into Bruce’s younger more rash side.  While I”m reading both ends of the series I get to see the true contrast in these perspectives, and it’s brilliantly executed!

The Batman universe is a very extensive one ofcourse.  He’s approaching his 75th anniversary, I”m sure he’s racked up an impressive list of friends and enemies in that spread of time.  Snyder keeps finding ways of mixing many key elements from the universe we’re familiar with, and it serves well to keep the series grounded.  Capullo has pushed the envelope when it comes to his character designs, which I’m sure can be a tedious task when considering 75 years of fans and followers.  The series and everyone in it has been redefined in a way that honours the past while paving the way for  a very exciting future.

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