Twisted Studio: Your world…twisted. » Twisted Features

Twisted Features #13

Posted on 13th March 2014 in Twisted Features

Welcome to our latest Twisted Feature! This time we will return to the fearfully educational world of Cash Wampum and the folks at Horror 101.
Their newest podcast is a break from their regular format and is a call in show. The call-in topic was “What scared you as a child in regards to a film you had seen?” and didn’t have to be limited to horror movies.

The link to the podcast is here

We wanted to “Twist” this feature a bit so each of us will share our scariest moments of our childhood film-watching.

Dave Rocha:

“Being a sci-fi nut and easily scared as a wee-one, I didn’t watch much horror but one movie series that I loved to death scared the poop outta me repeatedly. After seeing the original Alien for the first time at about 6, I didn’t sleep for a week. I still to this day feel my hair stand on end every time I see any of Geiger’s art. That drooling snarling alien made me check my shorts every time I saw any of the sequels at the show. Still not much of a horror fan but the feeling I had as a 6 year old scared me enough and in such a way that I absolutely had to see EVERY sequel.”

Paul Reaume:

“I’d have to say that there have been three horror movies that really resonated with me, and left a lasting impression.  The earliest of which being “It”.  Not that I grew up with a fear of clowns or anything, but the image of Pennywise peering from the sewer YEEESSHhh.  I always had to watch where I was stepping, out of fear that something would be down there waiting to grab at my feet.  My next movie moment would have been from the second Alien movie (I believe). The scene was set in a dark room with chains dangling eerily from the ceiling.  The alien descended silently behind the unsuspecting victims, and I lost my $#%&!  The last one that really got me was from the second Poltergeist movie.  This particular point took place in the hospital.  The camera was set looking down a vacant hallway, and things were quiet. Too quiet.  When out of nowhere that freaky girl passes across the hallway.  I remember jumping up, walking out of the room and saying ‘Forget this, I”m done.’

Thanks for joining us and please check out Horror 101′s latest at the link above.

Be sure to check in with our affiliates as well!

Prime Lighting Design

March is the Green Month at Prime Lighting Design.  The local lighting store will be featuring tips on saving energy, spotlighting energy conserving products, and some sale pieces along the way.  Be sure to stop in, to see what’s in store.

Click the logo to head over to Prime’s website (designed by yours truly!)


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Twisted Features #12

Posted on 3rd February 2014 in Twisted Features

Into the Maw!

Last week’s posts on The Underground site got derailed slightly, which had many people wondering why?  Truth  be told, some time was taken away from the regular production schedule to reach out to some established companies and individuals in the comic book industry.  The big push is on for The Underground and we had to put forth some due diligence and knock on a few doors.

The Underground team has contacted companies like Image, and IDW with regards to a publishing partnership.  The time has certainly come to bring the series to a larger audience and start building the brand as a whole.  This has been the idea behind the development of the ‘Colonies’ game, to demonstrate the potential behind the project.

The team is working hard at catching up on their posts, and will continue to make submissions and proposals wherever possible.  You too can help spread the infestation though.  Make sure you visit the project’s site, keep up with it’s ‘News’ page, and spread the word.  Positive thoughts and energy can make a world of difference.


Be sure to check in with our affiliates as well!

Horror 101

Check out Cash and the gang’s current podcast; Episode #29 Amityville II: The Possession.  The lines of fact and fiction are blurred as they spotlight this frightening 80′s horror flick, based on real events.


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Twisted Features #11

Posted on 21st January 2014 in Twisted Features

Welcome back to the party!

As mentioned in our previous Twisted Feature, we’ve devised a schedule for releasing updates and content here and on our other project sites.  If you haven’t seen the new posting schedule yet, click here to see.   We’re a couple of weeks in to the new regime, and so far the Twisted machine has been churning out some pretty cool stuff.  The Tecumseh project in particular has seen some really great updates and additions to their site.

Here are a few of the new items for the Tecumseh project:

The Support Page - Fund raising has begun for the first issue of the Tecumseh mini-series.  The information for the Kickstarter-style effort is posted here.

The Wall of Honour (Tokens Page) – A dedicated page honouring those who have shown their support for the project so far.  A token is added with each new supporter.

The Red Haired Man (Short Story) – A new short story by resident writer Dave Rocha.

Chasing The Legend Series – The creative team offers their insight into the artistic and literary inspirations they’ve found in their research for the Tecumseh project.  They’ve also updated their Facebook page with a photo album dedicated to the series.

Ofcourse what’s an update with out some new artwork?  Artist Paul Reaume leaked this snapshot from his work on the first issue of Tecumseh!


Be sure to check in with our affiliates as well!

Horror 101

Check out Cash and the gang’s current podcast; Episode #29 Amityville II: The Possession.  The lines of fact and fiction are blurred as they spotlight this frightening 80′s horror flick, based on real events.


Prime Lighting Design

Our friends at Prime Lighting Design are having a fantastic January Sale Event.  Visit them instore for deep discounts in their floor model sale event! Click their logo to read more about

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Twisted Features #10

Posted on 9th January 2014 in Twisted Features

Happy New Year Twisted Fans!

As the new year rolls in it becomes a time of reflection, and of planning.  We look at the year behind us, the good and the bad.  We look at how it has changed us, hopefully for the better.  Then we look ahead.  We look to things that we can improve upon in the coming year, and things we’d like to do without.

We had a pretty good year here at Twisted Studio, and we’re truly thankful for all of the support that we’ve received from our friends, family, and fans.  We attended three events this year; Free Comic Book Day at Hugin & Munin, Kids Read Comics in Ann Arbor, and the Christmas Comic Con at the St.Clair Centre for the Arts.  We had a great time at all of these events, we learned alot, and we met some great people like Liz Marie at FanGasm who did an interview with us at Free Comic Book Day.

Looking ahead, we’re planning on attending the same events this year and gaining more exposure for our titles.  If our fundraising efforts go as planned we will also see the publication of two books this year; the next installment of The Underground, as well as the first issue of Tecumseh: A Heroic Tale of War and Shattered Dreams.  We’ve also looked at our online presences to determine how to use them best with regards to furthering our exposure and recognition.

We’ve devised a release schedule for posts, and updates about each of our projects that will keep everyone informed and entertained as we work towards the publication of our two new books.

Mondays and Thursdays we will be posting new content here on the Twisted Studio homepage.

Tuesdays and Fridays we will be posting new content on the Tecumseh page.

Wednesdays and Saturdays we will be posting new content on The Underground page.

If you haven’t already, make sure you follow us on each of our respective Facebook pages so you can keep up to date, and we’ll surely be posting extra bonus material there!  Give us a like, and spread the word.


Be sure to check in with our affiliates as well!

Horror 101

Check out Cash and the gang’s current podcast; Episode #29 Amityville II: The Possession.  The lines of fact and fiction are blurred as they spotlight this frightening 80′s horror flick, based on real events.


Prime Lighting Design

Our friends at Prime Lighting Design are having a fantastic January Sale Event.  Visit them instore for deep discounts in their floor model sale event! Click their logo to read more about it.

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Twisted Features # 9

Posted on 3rd September 2013 in Twisted Features

Twisted Features #9

Tempest and Harmony short story to get a series of sequels

Needing to get back to bugs, I started brainstorming what I as the writer could do to further the underground whilst waiting for the art to catch up to my writing on Bad Seeds.

The idea hit me like a lightning bolt. I should continue the backstory I started for Raymus in Tempest and Harmony. To make it more exciting to read and of course to write I decided to meld this story with the unwritten backstory of another popular character – LOR.

The Orphan which will be posted as soon as it’s done will take place immediately after “Tempest” and will cover his continuing quest to find the peaceful ant city of Coryn. On his journey he will come across an Orphan which he will believe is destined for something special. The Orphan will tell the tale of how Lor figures into The Underground as a whole. It’ll be her origin story while still telling Raymus’ origins.

When I told Paul of my plans, he came up with the concept art below. It invokes a recent theme in Marvel’s X-Men titles of Cable and his rescue of the mutant messiah. I loved it so much that I insisted that he finish this art and it’ll be the cover of “The Orphan”

The Orphan

Posted by

Dave Rocha

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Twisted Features #8

Posted on 7th January 2013 in Twisted Features

 The Kids Read Comics Convention!

This summer Twisted Studio descended for a second time on Ann Arbor Michigan to take part in the Kids Read Comics Convention.  For the second year in a row the convention was held at the Ann Arbor District Library, which proved to be a perfect location for the event.  The library staff, and the KRC crew were truly amazing, making everyone feel welcome and excited to be there.

Originally founded by librarian Edith Burney, cartoonist Jerzy Drozd, comic shop owner Dan Merritt, and comic writer Dan Mishkin, the KRC unites kids, teens, parents, teachers and librarians with professional artists and writers from the comics and animation fields.  The goal is to introduce kids to worlds of imagination while unlocking their creative impulses.  With that goal in mind the conventions feature hands on workshops, a variety of panels and presentations, a chance for kids to meet and chat with comics and animation professionals, the opportunity for kids to have their own art portfolios reviewed.

To date this has been the only convention that the Twisted crew has appeared at, and it’s been an awesome learning experience, and opportunity for increased exposure.

“We’ve had the opportunity to show our work to a new audience that we wouldn’t normally reach from our home in Windsor.  Furthermore we’ve been able to meet and speak with other creators who are in the same shoes as us, perhaps evne some further along, and others who are just embarking on their journey into comics.  It’s given us great insight into what others are doing, and what we can do to better accomplish our goals.  The whole KRC crew has been great to work with, and it’s been an honour to take part in this convention two years in a row.”

-Paul Reaume
The Underground creator/artist

While 2013′s KRC event has come and gone, we certainly encourage you to check out their homepage to find out more about their mission.  After that, be sure to keep your ear to the ground for what is on the horizon for 2014.


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Twisted Feature: Tecumseh: A Heroic Tale of War and Shattered Dreams site launch!

Posted on 31st December 2012 in Twisted Features

Stay tuned for the launch the new site for our latest title honouring local hero Tecumseh!

We at Twisted Studio are very excited for the launch of our second title and hope you follow it’s progression.
We plan to complete publishing Issue 1 in time for release on the 200th anniversary of his fall in Oct 2013.
The script is written and production is well underway. HUZZAH!

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Twisted Features #6

Posted on 25th November 2012 in Twisted Features

It’s Sunday, November 26th and there are some exciting things going on in our community!

This past week, Cash Wampum at Horror 101 hit the web with a new podcast, ‘Episode 15: Creepshow’.  In 1982 horror legends George Romero, Stephen King, and Tom Savini collaborated on the haunting anthology ‘Creepshow’.  30 years later, Cash and his gang review and reflect on the film over some laughs and spilled drinks.  Hop on over to Horror 101 and check out the latest episode, sure to be the most fun you’ve ever had listening to a podcast.

On a ‘lighter’ note, Prime Lighting Design is embarking on a week long focus on ‘staging’.  Throughout their showroom, Prime has worked meticulously to stage various settings to reflect their products in home environments.  By collaborating lights, mirrors, and home accents from their repertoire of designer vendors Prime has created a unique experience for their visitors.  This week promises to be a reflection of that experience.  Tune in to Prime Lighting Design for more information.

Meanwhile at Twisted Studio…we’ll be taking a trip back in time, focusing on a local legend and our most recent project.  Tecumseh.  You can look forward to new artwork, sneak peeks, and insights from writer Dave Rocha.  Shawnee Chief Tecumseh is a renowned local hero, and the Twisted team takes great pride in working on his story.  Keep checking back for more info, adn be sure to like us on Facebook to keep informed on the latest updates.

In other local news, Cheryl’s Crafty Creations is happy to announce their attendance at the upcoming bazaar at Average Joe’s.  The bazaar will be taking place on Sunday, December 2nd from 9am to 4pm.  Our first Roots member, Cheryl will be selling her handmade scarves, hats, blankets and of course MANY Monkeys! Not to mention, she’ll also have raffle tickets for some great prizes.  So don’t miss the bazaar at Average Joe’s and be sure to like MANY Monkeys on Facebook.

As subscribers to the Arts Council Windsor & Region’s newsletter, we get to find out about some really great things happening in and around our artistic community.  One event in particular which caught our attention is the Windsor Youth Centre’s official book launch.  It’s their one year anniversary book ‘What is Home?’ and it features photos of and writings by Windsor Youths.  The event takes place November 27th, 7:00pm at Glenwood United Church.  There will be a documentary screening, panel discussion and light refreshments.  Of course the book will be available at the event and at the WYC.

That’s it for this week, keep checking in to find out more about the creative things happening in our area.  Until next week…

Onwards & Upwards



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Twisted Features #5

Posted on 18th November 2012 in Twisted Features

Well the holiday season is coming ’round the corner, and that means that it is once again time for Theatre Windsor’s Christmas show.  ‘The Trial of Ebenezer Scrooge’ will begin showing on December 6th.  Demand for the show is already so popular that an extra matinee showing has been added on Saturday, December 15th.  You can purchase tickets online at . Click on Scrooge for more details!

Prime Lighting Design has started a week-long ‘Did You Know?’ theme.  Throughout the coming week, they will be posting tidbits of information, and advice for homeowners, designers, and decorators.  Are you engaging on a home renovation? Not sure how to choose a ceiling fan? Prime Lighting Design prides themselves on their emphasis on consumer education, and this week is a great opportunity to learn more about that initiative.

And DID YOU KNOW that Twisted Studio artist Paul Reaume has made a special holiday art piece for Prime Lighting Design?  Tune in later this week as Paul gives us another sneak peek into the creative process as he worked on this special masterpiece.

 This week Twisted Studio also had the pleasure of working with Cheryl’s Crafty Creations to produce raffle tickets! Everyone loves a good raffle!  Cheryl will be raffling off three exciting prizes on December 2nd while she hosts a table at Average Joe’s.   Tickets are $2, or three for $5.  You could win a hand-made quilt, some custom sock monkeys or an afghan.  For more information send them a message on their Facebook page, or drop us a line here at Twisted Studio.

And that’s all for this week. 

’til next time…keep twistin’


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Twisted Features #4

Posted on 12th November 2012 in Twisted Features

This week Prime Lighting Design spotlights the Uttermost Company.  Proud producers of great home accessories, this family owned business has been around for 36 years.  Prime has an impressive selection of mirrors, accessories, and clocks from Uttermost and will be showcasing all the unique points of the company throughout the week.  Great gift ideas and inspirations for the upcoming holiday season.

Twisted Studio will be posting a couple updates this week as well!

First up we’ll be taking a look at The Underground, where the series has been, where it is now, and where it’s going.  Twisted writer, Dave Rocha will be guiding us on a recap of the series, and getting us all ready for what’s awaiting our insectoid heroes!

Following up with his post last week, Paul Reaume will be uploading the second installment of his current art project.  Inspired by the artwork of Norman Rockwell, Paul is working together with Prime Lighting Design for the creation of this special holiday piece.  Be sure to check back in on Friday as we get another peek into the creative process of Twisted Studio’s founding artist.

Lastly, we’d like to show a little bonus in this week’s Twisted Features.  Recently, Paul Reaume completed a collection of wargame scenery pieces for local game store Brimstone Games.  You can check out a sample of the pieces created below.

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