Twisted Games – Muskets, Cannons and Ships System v1 Rules
Battle of Tippecanoe Scenario
Unit Card List – Big Cards
Command – American
William Henry Harrison – General – Governor of Indiana
John Parker Boyd – Brigadier General – Second-in-Command
Army Cards
George Rogers Clark Floyd – Major – Commander, Army of Indiana
William C. Baen – Major – Reserve Commander, Army of Indiana
1811 American Regular Infantry x 6
1811 Primary Reserve Infantry x 4
Joseph Bartholomew – Lieutenant Colonel – Commander, Indiana Militia
Luke Decker – Lieutenant Colonel – Commander Indiana Reserve Militia
1811 Indiana Militia x 3
1811 Indiana Reserve Militia x 4
Samuel Wells – Major – Light Dragoon Commander
1811 Kentucky Mounted Riflemen – Captain Frederick Geiger
1811 Indiana Mounted Riflemen – Captain David Robb
1811 Kentucky Militia Company – Captain Funk
Joseph Hamilton Daviess – Major – Dragoon Reserve Commander
1811 Indiana Militia Light Dragoons – Captain Benjamin Parke
1811 Indiana Militia Light Dragoons – Captain Beggs
28 Total US Unit cards and Tokens.
First Nations Command Card:
Tenskwatawa – The Prophet – no token “off-board character”
First Nations Army Cards:
John Norton – *British Major – Mohawk Warrior
1811 Mohawk Warriors
1811 Kickapoo Warriors x 4
White Loon – Wea War Chief
1811 Wea Warriors x 4
1811 Miami Warriors x 3
1811 Piankeshaw Warriors
First Nations Army Cards Continued:
Winamac – Potawatomi War Chief
1811 Potawatomi Warriors
1811 Ottawa Warriors
1811 Ojibwe WarriorsIf the
1811 Shawnee Warriors
1811 Wyandot Warriors
21 Total First Nations Unit Cards and Tokens.
* – John Norton is commander of The unofficial “British” forces which are dressed as Mohawk warriors (most are) at the Battle of Tippecanoe
Each of the above cards has a token for use on the game board.
Turn Order
In the Battle of Tippecanoe, First Nations troops fire first after being caught at the point marked with TC, indicating the Battle of Tippecanoe scenario – only the line positioned on that side can fire before the game starts. None of these units can move only take one shot at the defenseless Americans which are arming and forming lines as per normal. Play continues as normal with the First Nations force allowed to fire again along all fronts at the now armed and defend-able formations.
Every turn has three phases:
Phase one: Line Infantry movement and fire
Phase two: Charging Infantry
Phase three: Special Forces
Infantry move only one space.
Movement stops immediately for infantry when moving into a space adjacent to an enemy unit so they cannot charge through these spaces.
In order to fire a weapon, an ammo card must be expended
Infantry can fire at any enemy up to 2 spaces away (3 for rifles) at any target it’s firing arc which is the top side (indicated by an arrow on the token) and both adjacent sides on the hex to the left and right. Roll d20 and apply attack modifier including applicable modifiers from other sources such as commanders. Also subtract the terrain and defense modifier of the defender. 17 or higher is a hit and apply damage. If reduced to half the defending line breaks and flees (Remove token from board), if not the defense returns fire.
Charging Infantry
If charging move the infantry to close the gap (if necessary) and let the defending unit fire one shot first. Defender rolls d20 and applies the Unit’s defense against charge value (On unit card)
If the defense scores a hit (17 or higher), take appropriate damage, if lowered to more than half, the attacking unit breaks and flees. (Mark damage and remove attacking token). Natural 20 is always a plus 5 to the damage. Damage is indicated by a roll of d6 plus the damage modifier.
If the charge goes through, roll your attack as per normal using the charge attack as your modifier . If it’s a hit (17 or higher) roll damage using the charge damage modifier.
Phase three: Infantry Charges.
All moves must be done before firing.
Any Infantry unit that lies adjacent to another unit may charge
A charge is just a damage roll but defense gets a shot first.
If either side is reduced to half strength it breaks and flees
If the charging troops lose their nerve, the damage roll never happens,
After rolling charging damage, roll and apply hand-to-hand defense damage
If both sides survive the attack, charging infantry must retreat back to their original square.
If a mounted unit is charged, it may retreat one hex to avoid the charge.
Phase four: Special Forces Act
On this phase everything else the acting player has that has not yet acted goes now with any possible movement all happening before the first attack is resolved.
Cavalry and commanders units move and fire at the same time except snipers which cannot fire in the same round they move.
Resolve all attacks, snipers may target commanders within range and kill on roll of a natural 20.
Cavalry and commanders may move up to it’s full movement after a charge.
(Resolve charge just like Infantry Charges)
Winning the game: USA wins if the First Nations forces are destroyed or run out of ammo (They retreat). If Harrison dies at any point, the Americans will surrender immediately.