Tecumseh on the Hunt

While attending the Kids Read Comics Convention, I was able to put some good time into a new page of artwork for Tecumseh: A Heroic Tale of War and Shattered Dreams.  This image shows Tecumseh deep in the woods hunting rabbit for his tribe.  As the picture came together, I found myself appreciated it more and more.  I’m really happy with how the layout of the picture came together, Tecumseh’s stance, and the layers of trees and foliage I was able to include.

At one point I look at Dave and said, “I’m afraid to do any more work on this picture, I don’t want to screw it up!”.

So happy are we with the finished pencils for this page, we’ve decided that we’re are going to have a limited run of prints made of it for sale.  So far we have already spoken to Scott at Paper Heroes, who is always happy to help local projects.  So stay tuned for more information, and be on the look out for our first limited art print available to the public!


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