This unassuming monument is actually on Sandwich Street in Windsor directly across the street from the Water Reclamation Plant, hidden under two trees. I mentioned this on an 1812 group on facebook and in reply was asked by someone to find photos. Challenge accepted! I took to task and quickly got over there, held my breath and took some photos (below). The kind woman from Tecumseh MI, told me it was a shame that the monument was there and that no one sees it due to it’s unfortunate location. It really is! Should we not be more proud of this achievement?
As someone who has lived in Windsor most of my life, I had always heard about the Capture of Detroit but not the details like being out-numbered three to one. Brock and Tecumseh used subterfuge and guile to misrepresent their low numbers and disposition. Fort Mackinaw in the north was captured a week before followed by Tecumseh completely surrounding Detroit with victories supported by the British at the first four engagements of the war in order: River Canard, Turkey Creek, Brownstown and Maguaga. Hull the ordered the invasion and now here he was surrounded. History is a little hard on Hull sadly for his surrender but do ya blame him? Across the street from a waste water plant makes a little more sense now. That must have been what Hull’s quarters smelled like on Aug. 16 1812…
Plaque text:
“Confident of victory, General Hull had invaded Canada in July 1812, but failed to take advantage of his early success and the demoralization of the defenders. Fear of the Indians then rallying to the British cause and an inability to maintain supply lines dictated Hull’s withdrawal to Detroit. In a daring move on 16 August General Brock embarked his troops at McKee’s Point, crossed the river and forced the surrender of the Americans. This important victory raised the spirits of the Canadians and ensured the continuing support of their Indian allies.”